We specialize in providing high-quality technical translation services in more than 100 languages. With the continued rapid integration of the global marketplace and elimination of economic borders, high-quality foreign language translation services are more important than ever.
Whether you need to translate an operating manual into French in order to enter the Canadian market; translate a lease into English to rent office space in Shandong, China; or provide public information for government services in Spanish to connect with local Limited English Proficient (LEP) communities, your business or organization is likely in need of translation services.
At Translation Source, we provide written translations from the Source Language (SL) to the Target Language (TL), whether from Spanish to English, for example, or vice versa, from English to Spanish. We understand the subtle nuances of communication, which is why we strive to deliver accurate and idiomatically appropriate translations. This includes maintaining the original style and tone of the source material with all of the linguistic subtleties and layers of meaning remaining intact.
We are able to translate a wide variety of materials, including hard-copy and electronic documents and multimedia. Our professional, certified translators have all gone through our rigorous recruitment and testing process and are subject matter experts in a variety of technical disciplines, from legal and medical/healthcare to petrochemicals and engineering.
Our translation services include the following
- Translate a variety of written, electronic, and multimedia content in more than 100 languages to/from English.
- Review, edit, and proofread previously translated documents.
- Provide Subject Matter Expertise (SME) in a variety of technical subject areas, including legal, medical / healthcare, engineering, education, life sciences, petrochemicals, and more.
- Formatting, text adaptation, and multilingual desktop publishing (DTP).
- Provide gists or summary translations for large volumes of content.

Additionally, our technical translation services are backed by Translation Source’s comprehensive Quality Control Process (QCP). Our QCP is a multi-step process that includes Translation, Editing, and Proofreading (TEP). Our QCP also meets or exceeds the translation industry quality standards as outlined in ISO 17100:2015 (Translation Services – Requirements for Translation Services) and ASTM F2575 – 14 Standard Guide for Quality Assurance in Translation.
Finally, in addition to the above, we are also able to provide certified translation services. Certified translations can be used in a variety of legal settings, with government institutions, and educational equivalence verification. To learn more about our technical translation services in more than 100 languages, please contact us today for a free consultation with one of our translation project managers.
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(800) 413-7838