Translation Source is an expert at providing high volume translation services in more than 100 languages and dialects, and numerous technical subject areas, from legal and medical to engineering and petrochemicals. If you have large numbers of documents that need to be translated, we have several solutions to help meet your needs and budget. We can also provide high volume translations within short turnaround times. Some of these types of projects include large volumes of evidentiary documentation for litigation and other legal matters, technical manuals for electronics and equipment, pharmaceutical lab reports, banking/finance documents, and much more. Apart from full, professional human translations, some of our most popular solutions for translating large volumes of content are described below.
Machine Translation
If your large volume translations are needed for informational or internal purposes only, machine translation (MT) is a cost-effective and fast option. We use the latest in MT engines, specially developed and trained in a variety of languages and technical subject areas. If your documents are in an editable format (e.g., MS Word), the process is fast and easy. If you only have hard copy or scanned PDF documents, we can help to convert your documents into an editable format using the latest in Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software and post-editing. Finally, if you want slightly more polished translations, we also offer Human-Assisted Machine Translation (HAMT). HAMT involves an initial translation using one of our MT engines. One of our experienced human editors will then manually review and edit the translations.

Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT)
Another option to handle high volume translation projects is the use of computer assisted translation (CAT) and translation memory (TM) tools.
This process uses the latest in CAT technology to assist human translators to be more efficient and provide more consistent translations. This is a good option for clients that have source files in an editable format, such as MS Word, Excel, and Adobe InDesign files that can be penetrated by the software. If clients do not have editable source files, we can use the OCR software referenced above to create editable versions of the source files.
For highly repetitious documents, the use of CAT tools can also save significantly on costs, as repetitious segments and blocks of text are charged at a greatly reduced rate.
Summary Translations
Summary translations are another common and cost-effective option for managing high volume translations.
If you have large volumes of documents but do not expect to need full translations for everything, one of our translators will review your documents and provide summaries or gists of each document. From there, clients can choose which documents require a complete translation.
Additionally, you can provide us with keywords or topics to focus on and our translators can select the documents where those terms appear, helping you to narrow down your focus.
If you only have documents available in a hard-copy format, we can even send one of our linguists to your office to work on-site.
To find out more about our high volume translation solutions, contact us today to speak with one of our expert project managers!

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