Translation Source offers the latest in Translation Memory (TM) and Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) technology solutions to support our clients’ translation and localization projects.
We work with a variety of CAT/TM tools, including SDL Trados®, Memsource, MemoQ, WordFast, and more. CAT/TM tools work by dividing the content to be translated into segments and provides an analysis of new content, similar content, and repetitious content throughout the document or a set of documents. As the translator works through the content, the CAT tool software saves the translated content into a database.
Then, when a similar segment appears later in the text, the software prompts the translator with the option to accept a previously used translation, revise a previously used translation for a similar (but not identical) segment of the previously translated text, or to ignore the software’s suggestion. This database can be re-used on future related translations, increasing the leverage of previously translated content as the translation memory database gains more content.
This type of translation technology offers many benefits to clients. These benefits include:
- Greater consistency.
- Automated quality assurance checks.
- Reduced turnaround times and improved efficiency.
- Ability to work with a wide variety of source files.
- Significant cost savings.

It is important to note that TM and CAT tools are not machine translation. All content translated using CAT tools is done by specially-trained human translators and editors.
CAT/TM tools are particularly useful on large projects with a high degree of repetitious content, projects that are updated or revised on a regular basis, or a series of related projects that contain similar content and specialized terminology.
CAT Tools

Translation Memory Alignment
Additionally, if you have previous translated content and would like to start using this technology in the future, Translation Source can help you to build translation memories from scratch with translation memory alignment.
We do this by aligning your previous source files and translated content for a minimal cost so that you can take advantage of the many benefits outlined above in the future. Our localization engineers are experts at using a variety of CAT tools and can create and align translation memories using your preferred tool(s).
To learn more about if Translation Memory (TM) and Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools are a good fit for your next translation project, one of our professional Translation Project Managers will work with you to determine if the use of a CAT tool would be beneficial to a particular project and explain how this technology works in detail.
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(800) 413-7838